Headshot of a red haired man in glasses, a blue blazer, and a blue and pink tie in front of a dark background
Doctors and Specialists

Eric Peterson, M.D.



Call (540) 855-5100 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Peterson

Salem, Smith Mountain Lake, Martinsville and Danville


Dr. Eric Peterson received a Bachelor of Science in Physics from the University of Utah. He completed his Doctor of Medicine from Virginia Commonwealth School of Medicine. Dr. Peterson completed both his Internship and Ophthalmology Residency at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine.

Meet Ophthalmologist Dr. Eric Peterson M.D.


Dr. Eric Peterson grew up in Salt Lake City, Utah. While in medical school, at Virginia Commonwealth University, his interest in ophthalmology blossomed as he witnessed how vision is intricately connected with quality of life. Also during this time he and his family fell in love with Virginia and the Appalachian region. After completing his training in Kentucky, he is excited to return to Virginia and explore Roanoke. He and his family love hiking and swimming as well as listening to and playing music.

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